News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Ex-CNN host calls for “eradication” of all Trump supporters, making it obvious why they want to take your guns first… this is GENOCIDE
In the wake of another two mass shootings which the Left-wing establishment media is blaming on President Donald Trump’s ‘hateful rhetoric,’ a former CNN host has just called for violence against presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway and every one of POTUS’ supporters. And if that isn’t bad enough, he made the threat on Twitter, which summarily […]
By JD Heyes
FBI director is focusing his agency more on “white supremacy violence” despite the fact that Left-wing anti-Trump anarchists are committing most of it
POTUS Donald Trump is doing his level best to drain the D.C. swamp which is infested with Deep State careerists and elitists in the intelligence and federal law enforcement institutions, but he’s having a difficult time of it because the resistance has been stiff, as you might imagine. Swept into office in January 2017 already […]
By JD Heyes
Dayton shooter CLEARLY a Left-wing radical kook who supported Antifa, Elizabeth Warren and hated Trump
As additional details emerge about the pair of mass murderers — Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts — who attacked people in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, respectively, within a 24-hour period, the more we learn what a useless institution the legacy media have become. That’s because every single detail about both young men the […]
By JD Heyes
Antifa anarchists gearing up for 10-day “militancy training” and “siege” of El Paso; Texas patriots should mobilize
We wondered when Left-wing extremists would try to pull off a “John Brown” event prior to the 2020 election in the name of ‘freeing’ illegal aliens, and it appears we may not have much longer to wait. According to information circulating online, Antifa-aligned anarchists and activists are calling for a 10-day “siege” of El Paso, […]
By JD Heyes
Sen. Ted Cruz demands RICO investigation into Antifa… how about a RICO investigation into the tech giants, too?
Fed up with the increasingly violent and potentially deadly behavior of Left-wing anarchists who associated with the very fascist Antifa organization, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Tuesday joined with Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) in calling on the Trump administration to designate the group a domestic terrorist cell. The call comes on the heels of an […]
By JD Heyes
Anti-Trump director Larry Charles encouraging lunatic Leftists to buy guns so they can kill “MAGA people”
For a bunch of Americans who supposedly have cornered the market on compassion, acceptance, and tolerance, the Left is increasingly looking like the Nazis and fascists they claim to be against. As anarchy groups like Redneck Revolt and the Socialist Rifle Association continue to arm and train — while claiming to do so ‘in defense […]
By JD Heyes
More journo-terrorism: The “mainstream” media continues dog whistling to deranged Leftists, pushing them to attack and “destroy” Trump supporters
Without question, the 2020 presidential election cycle has begun and with it, POTUS Donald Trump seeks to make a historic bid for a second term. It’s historic because also, without question, Trump is the consummate outsider, as evidenced by the horrific, relentless attacks against him as well as the Obama-led Deep State effort to depose […]
By JD Heyes
Nine out of 10 Democrats predict violence in America, and they are willing to carry it out to annihilate whites, Trump supporters and Christians
The escalation in political rancor in Washington has spread throughout the country and is likely to result next in violence following the “war of words,” according to a newly released survey. Not only that, but Americans who identify as Democrats are much more likely to say violence is coming than Republicans, though the figure is […]
By JD Heyes
“End Domestic Terrorism” event organizer Joe Biggs calls out Big Tech for allowing Antifa, far-Left to encourage more attacks like the one on Tacoma ICE facility
Popular conservative commentator and a U.S. Army vet Joe Biggs, who served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and received a pair of Purple Hearts for combat wounds, is calling out the Big Tech behemoths for refusing to act against Antifa and other far-Left voices who are using their platforms to encourage more “domestic terrorism” […]
By JD Heyes
CONFIRMED: CNN celebrated Antifa firebomb attacker as one of “the good guys” during segment praising left-wing “activism”
Americans who follow news and events and are honest with themselves have long known that the so-called “mainstream media” has not been ‘journalism’ for quite some time, and instead has taken on the role of serving as the Democratic Party’s propaganda division. In fact, some have speculated that the establishment press is really the intellectual policy […]
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