News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Mass murder and destruction of societies always begins with the Marxist Left’s tearing down statues and rewriting of history
If you haven’t realized by now that the American Left is utilizing age-old Marxism and Leninism to destroy our founding, our society, and our culture and replace it with totalitarianism, you’re not paying attention. And maybe you’re not yet paying that much attention because you’re not aware of how such movements have historically carried out […]
By JD Heyes
Analyst says if we don’t confront totalitarianism of BLM, Antifa, with “just and necessary force,” widespread anarchy is coming
A social and cultural analyst says that America must begin to use “just and necessary force” if we are to stop the “totalitarianism” driving Antifa and Black Lives Matter ideology. Writing at WorldNetDaily, author Joe Keysor, who has taught English in Oman, mainland China and at his current post at Prince Sultan University in Saudi […]
By JD Heyes
It’s just open terrorism now as BLM supporter seen on video firing GUN into SUV trying to escape the mob in Provo, Utah
Anyone still clinging to the notion that the Black Lives Matter movement is just some peaceful process to effect change in our country, Mahatma Ghandi-style, there isn’t a day that goes by now where that notion is proven wrong. What’s more, BLM-related violence is now spreading to cities around the country not at all known […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing mobs defacing and destroying cities were “digitized” by the Internet into tribal behavior that will end civil society
Without question, the Internet has become what the telegraph was in the 1800s and the telephone/radio/television was in the 1900s; it was that revolutionary a means of communication and entertainment. But also without a doubt, it has become a means of destroying civil societies including that of the United States. Writing at Real Clear Politics, […]
By JD Heyes
Pathetic mainstream media lies about armed “white” St. Louis homeowners defending against “peaceful” BLM protesters who were threatening to kill them
By now, you may have read where a heroic white couple in a wealthy St. Louis suburb was forced to defend their property and their lives from an angry mob of Black Lives Matter supporters who were threatening to kill them. Actually, if all you’ve read or heard about the incident comes from the “mainstream […]
By JD Heyes
“Black Lives Matter” leader makes clear objective is Left-wing DESTRUCTION of America if demands aren’t met: “We will burn down this system!”
If you still believe that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is just a peaceful attempt at bringing about some police and criminal justice reforms using the constitutional system bequeathed to us by our founders, get rid of that notion because it isn’t true. How do we know? Because a BLM leader himself has admitted as […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist anarchists now fully engaged in cultural revolution against America using commie Bolshevik playbook
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the 20th century’s most monumental events, ushering in a decades-long communist system of government that saw the Soviet Union rise to the stature of a global superpower. The violent uprising “marked the end of the Romanov dynasty and centuries of Russian Imperial rule, noted, adding that […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing anarchist plan to scrub America of its founding history advancing rapidly as calls for removing Jesus from public areas now being heard
The Marxist Left has seized upon the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police as an opportunity to launch a full-blown cultural revolution in America, with the goal of completely wiping out our way of life, form of government, and anything at all associated with our founding. The latest evidence is […]
By JD Heyes
Renowned author and journalist Jim Kunstler: “We may not have a 2020 election” because of ongoing coup attempt against duly elected President Trump
Ordinarily, when we hear someone seriously suggest that one of our most fundamental exercises of democracy and small “r” republicanism — voting — is not going to take place for any reason, we tend to discount it as the rantings of a loon. After all, even when our country was wracked by civil war, we […]
By JD Heyes
New website builds target list of Trump donors so that Antifa Leftists know who to terrorize and exactly where they live
Leave it to the deranged American Left to use technology as a way of targeting supporters of President Donald Trump and Republicans. According to Megan Fox at PJ Media, some of these same Left-wing goofballs have published a new website called “Racist Watch” that supposedly identifies by name and location anyone who has donated money […]
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